WARNING! Your Website is About to be Kicked off of Page One of Google.

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WARNING! Your Website is About to be Kicked off of Page One of Google.

Now that I have your attention, the only question is this: Do you have a mobile-friendly website?

If yes, happy days, be warm and well fed. Close this blog and go about your business happy in the knowledge that your spot on page one of Google is secure. For now.

If no, big problem.

You are going to be removed from page one of Google as of the 21st of April.

As of April 21st, Google is placing a premium on websites that offer a good experience to visitors who are using phones or tablets.

This is called responsive web design. Something we are great at.


Remember, Google is all about websites that offer an amazing experience, where the content is engaging, interesting and keeps users on the page for a long time. How are they supposed to stay engaged on your page if they’re forced to read it by scrolling left and right? Well that certainly is one way of keeping people on your site for a long time, before they leave in frustration!

Google’s algorithm is changing to keep in line with the fact that most people use mobile phones and tablets to navigate the web these days.

It’s time you upgrade your website.

Shift ONE is offering a once off website upgrade offer with 15% off your website build.

Just quote this promo code: %!@#

Remember, if you snooze, you lose.

Take the test to see if your website is mobile friendly.

Call us now: 021 554 2498 or email info@shiftone.co.za

Dylan Kohlstädt is the founder and CEO of Shift ONE, an advertising agency that helps businesses grow cost effectively.

Dylan is an online marketing specialist who is passionate about the user’s experience and about helping entrepreneurs and start-ups succeed.

Dylan has 18 years marketing management experience in insurance, financial and property industries , six of which gained in hands-on experience in online marketing involving web, mobile, SEO, CRM and Social Marketing and is considered a subject matter expert on all things digital.

She has extensive local and international experience (South Africa, UK and Australia), has managed global and national brands and is experienced in managing multiple product ranges in multiple languages and countries. Dylan also has an MBA through UNISA SBL.

Contact Us

Unit 2, Eden on the Bay, Cape Town, 7441

+27 21 554 2498




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